Kay’s Story: When the Student Is Ready

I have been to at least six dieticians and tried every diet known to mankind: calorie restriction, packaged food, portion control, low fat, meat, no meat – and I only got fatter. I was in a high-stress job, going to college at night, and trying to keep up with the demands of being a single parent. With each weight-loss attempt, I steadily gained three or four pounds a year. My blood cholesterol and blood sugar steadily increased. Helpless, I felt I would never be able to conquer my issues.

Then a new symptom emerged – poor digestion. Each time I ate, I felt bloated for several hours. I began to depend on laxatives, over-the-counter antacids, and digestive aids. My body started sending me urgent messages that something was wrong. My doctor ordered tests.

The lab reports confirmed that my stomach was inflamed. More medications followed. I felt sluggish, it was hard to concentrate, and I was tired most of the time. How could I exercise when it was hard enough to carry myself around all day? After a while I suspected that the medications themselves were making matters worse. I decided drugs were not the answer. I needed to change my lifestyle to bring down my blood sugar, cholesterol, and weight – just what I’d attempted so many times before.

A friend suggested I consult a different kind of doctor, someone who would look at my problems holistically. I found such a doctor. He diagnosed me with insulin resistance, prescribed nutritional supplements, and told me to eliminate sugar, bread, and pasta from my diet and increase protein and vegetables. All of my diagnoses called for eating whole food. Some would say this is a simple change, but it wasn’t easy for a sweet tooth like me.

To help me make the change, he suggested that I contact The Suppers Programs. He handed me a pamphlet and told me to come back when I was able to make the changes.

This was too good to be true. In my dreams, I had fantasized about something like Suppers – a place to learn new life skills and get support. When a gap between job assignments occurred, I was able to slow down, learn to cook healthy food, and devote myself to getting my life on track. I began to feel better.

As they say, “when the student is ready, the teacher appears.”

In my case the teacher was The Suppers Programs. I guess you could say it fit my learning style to participate in food preparation. I can’t believe how much I’ve already learned about the role of blood sugar in mood, organically grown food, new ways of cooking, spices and herbs, kitchen skills, and even how to use my food processor. I have more work to do, but finally my blood work is moving in the right direction.


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